


### 清潔篇 🧽
1. **選擇合適的洗面乳**:挑選溫和不刺激且具有控油效果的洗面乳非常重要。建議使用含有水楊酸或果酸成分的產品來幫助去除多餘油脂及死皮細胞。每天早晚各洗一次臉,確保徹底清除污垢和多餘油脂.避免用力搓揉以免傷害到脆弱的眼周肌膚喔!如果妳屬於敏感性肌膚或者有其他特殊情況(例如正在接受醫學治療),最好先諮詢專業人士意見再做決定哦~另外提醒一下大家:千萬不要因為貪圖方便而共用他人私人物品(像是毛巾啦)喲!畢竟每個人體質不同嘛~小心別把病菌帶回家囉😉至於那些號稱能夠"深層淨化"的高科技美容儀器呢...嗯...雖然聽起來很吸引人但實際效果如何恐怕還得看個人情況而定哩!(笑)總之啊~想要改善「草莓鼻」就得從日常基礎做起才行哪!!加油加油!!Fighting!!!💪💪💪By the way, did I mention that drinking plenty of water is also crucial for maintaining healthy skin? Yep, it's true! Stay hydrated and watch those pores shrink before your very eyes! 😉Okay okay, enough with the chit-chat. Let's get back to business shall we? 😜So where were we... ah yes! Moving on to our next topic: exfoliation. Now this step is super important because it helps remove dead skin cells that can clog up your pores and cause breakouts. But here's the thing - you gotta be gentle about it. No scrubbing away at your face like there's no tomorrow okay? That will only make things worse trust me on this one folks! Instead, opt for a mild exfoliant that contains natural ingredients like jojoba beads or salicylic acid (which by the way is great for fighting acne too!). Apply it evenly over damp skin using circular motions then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water afterwards making sure not to leave any residue behind either cos that could lead to more problems down the line ya know what I mean?? Alrighty then let’s talk about moisturizing now…because contrary to popular belief dryness actually makes oily skin even oilier due its tendency towards overcompensation right?? So yeah definitely don’t skip out on this part even if you think your face doesn’t need it because believe me when I say EVERYONE benefits from proper hydration regardless of their skin type!!! Just remember though: less is more in this case so go easy on the product usage kapeesh??? Last but certainly not least we have sunscreen which brings us full circle back around again huh??? Funny how life works sometimes isn’t it???? Anywayyyyyyy……..SPF protection should always be an integral part of anyone’s daily routine especially considering how harsh Taiwan’s sun can get during peak hours amirite or amirite???? Plus UV rays are known contributors towards premature aging signs sooooooo………yeah basically slathering yourself up with some good ol’ fashioned broad-spectrum SPF30+ every single day rain or shine won’t just keep those pesky blackheads at bay but also help preserve youthful glow longer term too!!!! Sounds like a win-win situation if ya ask me!!!!! Anywhoozles my dear friends……that pretty much wraps up today’s discussion regarding forehead pore congestion solutions methinks!!!! Hope yall found these tips helpful n useful moving forward into brighter clearer days ahead filled wit