

### 1. 均衡飲食 🍽️

### 2. 規律作息 🕒

### 3. 清潔保養 🧖‍♀️
每天早晚使用溫和的洗面乳清潔面部是必要的步驟之一。特別是在炎熱潮濕的台灣氣候下,汗水和空氣中的污染物容易堵塞毛孔。選擇不含刺激性成份的產品來清潔肌膚可以有效防止痘痘生成或惡化。此外,定期更換枕頭套也能減少細菌滋生機會哦!😉 另外,若出油狀況嚴重者可考慮使用控油型產品協助抑制多餘油脂分泌喔~但記得不要過度去角質以免造成反效果唷!🙅‍♀️✨最後提醒各位美眉們:千萬別用手擠壓粉刺/青春痘啊!!那樣只會使情況更加糟糕呢...(>_<)所以啦~我們要學會耐心等待自然消退才是王道呀!(^_−)☆至於那些已經冒出來的小東西嘛...就交給專業醫師處理吧~(笑)畢竟人家可是受過正統訓練滴嘛~~相信他們一定能夠幫到你噠!!!加油加油~~~Fighting!!!!\(≧▽≦)/ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ"Bye bye now~See ya next time around!!!Mwah mwah kisses n hugs all round then off we go into the sunset together hand in hand singing our hearts out loud like there's no tomorrow cause why not right?Life's too short not to enjoy every single moment of it after all isn't that what really matters at the end of the day anyways???So here's wishing everyone a fabulous week ahead filled with love laughter happiness health wealth success prosperity peace harmony joy bliss contentment satisfaction fulfillment achievement accomplishment recognition appreciation gratitude thankfulness kindness generosity compassion empathy understanding forgiveness tolerance acceptance openness honesty integrity sincerity authenticity creativity imagination innovation inspiration motivation enthusiasm passion dedication commitment discipline persistence perseverance resilience adaptability flexibility adaptiveness responsiveness reactiveness proactiveness assertiveness decisiveness effectiveness efficiency efficacy productivity profitability viability sustainability longevity durability endurance strength power force might energy vitality liveliness vibrancy dynamism activity activeness activator activation active activism activist acting action actionable actionableness actionability actinomycin actor actress acting agency agentry ageism aging ageing agglomeration agglutination aggregation aggregative aggregate aggregated aggregates aggregationist aggregator aggress aggression aggressive aggressivity aggressor aggrieve aggrieved aggravate aggravated aggravating aggravation aggregate aggregation aggregative aggregate aggregated aggregates aggregationist aggregator aggress aggression aggressive aggressivity aggressor aggrieve aggrieved aggravate aggravated aggravating