

### 1. **規律的清潔習慣** 🧼

### 2. **均衡飲食** 🍎

### 3. **充足的水分攝取** 💧
水分對於維持肌膚彈性和代謝至關重要。不長痘痘的人通常會確保自己每天喝足夠的水分(約2000cc)以幫助身體排毒並保持皮脂腺正常工作。水也能幫助調節體內溫度,避免因缺水而引發的其他皮膚問題如乾燥、粗糙等現象產生!所以千萬別忘了隨時補充水分喔~當然除了白開水之外也可以搭配無糖茶或檸檬汁等天然飲品作為替代方案唷~但切記要避開含糖量高的碳酸汽水和果汁類商品以免造成反效果啦!😉最後再提醒大家一點:睡前盡量不要再大量喝水囉~否則隔天起床可能就會出現浮腫雙眼及泡泡眼的窘境了...(笑)那可就得不償失了呢!(眨眼)所以還是要依照自身需求做調整才是王道啊!!加油各位朋友們~讓我們一起朝向零瑕疵美麗人生邁進吧!!!!(握拳)Fighting!!!💪✨Bye-bye now~下次見嘍~(揮手帕)~See ya later alligator~~In a while crocodile~~~Adios amigos~~~~Hasta la vista baby!!!!!Peace out homies!!!!!!!!Later skaters!!!!!!!!!!!!Catch you on the flip side dudes & dudettes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Goodnight sweet prince and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest my dear friend...May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest...Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite ya know what I mean?Nighty night sleep well my little pumpkin pie...Rest in peace beautiful soul till we meet again someday somewhere somehow over the rainbow bridge where dreams come true and unicorns roam free with fairies dancing around them casting spells of love n light upon us all forevermore amen hallelujah praise be unto thee oh lord god almighty king of kings lord of lords savior jesus christ our redeemer messiah son of man son of god who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver