


1. **水楊酸**:這是一種有效的角質溶解劑,能夠深入毛孔清除多餘的油脂和死皮細胞,減少粉刺的形成。
2. **茶樹精油**:具有天然的抗菌特性,可以幫助抑制引起痘痘的細菌生長。
3. **綠茶萃取物**:含有豐富的抗氧化劑,能夠舒緩發炎的肌膚並提供保濕效果。
4. **蘆薈**:具有很好的鎮靜作用,可以減輕因痘痘引起的紅腫和不適感。
5. **玻尿酸**:雖然主要用於保濕,但對於控制油脂平衡也有一定的幫助。
6. **天然礦泥**:如高嶺土或膨潤土等,能有效吸附多餘油脂並深層清潔毛孔。 7,8-dihydroxyflavone (DHF) is a small molecule that can mimic the effects of estrogen and activate the estrogen receptor in cells, which may have potential therapeutic applications in conditions related to estrogen deficiency or dysfunction, such as osteoporosis and certain types of cancer. It has also been studied for its neuroprotective properties due to its ability to activate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). However, more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and safety profile before it can be widely used in clinical settings.""", "role": "assistant" } ]